Leaving no one behind in our post-pandemic recovery: How can technology help?

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The disruption caused by the pandemic and the resulting boost in innovation are opportunities to build a better future for everyone, to "do it right" this time. With the right policies, governments, the private sector and the international community have the power and the responsibility to shape a new technological era where no one is left behind. They should be guided by the following objectives:

  1. Improve digital education globally. Governments and the international community should invest in programs to improve digital literacy and education to ensure that everyone understands how to use technology and do so in a safe, healthy and empowering manner. 
  2. Empower the youth and other vulnerable groups. Empowering vulnerable groups by combatting digital disparities is essential to prevent crime by reducing social exclusion, discrimination, lack of education, unemployment and other factors that increase the risk of individuals becoming criminal offenders or victims.
  3. Leverage the potential of technology for sustainable development. Policies at every government level focusing on maximizing the potential of AI, blockchain and other frontier technologies while minimizing the risks should sprawl across the world, including developing countries.
  4. Emphasize recovery through inclusive technological development. Sufficient emphasis needs to be placed on supporting developing countries to harness the potential of new technologies to shape a more sustainable future for all in the post-pandemic recovery.
  5. Promote dialogue and cooperation internationally. Dialogue between the public and private sectors should be streamlined and collaboration between governments, the tech sector, advocacy groups, educators and civil society should be promoted.

[Mark Minevich is president of Going Global Ventures. Irakli Beridze is the Head of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for UNICRI, United Nations.]

Leaving no one behind in our post-pandemic recovery: How can technology help?