New America Urges FCC to Authorize $2.2 Billion in Available E-Rate Funds to Connect Students Left Behind During COVID-19 Pandemic

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New America’s Open Technology Institute called on the Federal Communications Commission to use its existing authority and universal service budget to extend connectivity to students without broadband access to help facilitate remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the emergency request filing, OTI urges the FCC to act to empower schools and libraries to close the homework gap using the Universal Service Fund (USF) and E-Rate and Lifeline programs. 

In the filing, OTI explains why the FCC has the legal authority and $2.2 billion in E-Rate funds it needs to immediately extend broadband access to millions of K-12 students who lack broadband internet service. Last week the FCC added $100 million in universal service funding for a telehealth pilot that extends internet access to patients at home, demonstrating it has the authority to do the same for students.The filing also urges the FCC to waive restrictions on the use of school or library broadband networks supported by E-Rate to extend connectivity to students off-campus for educational purposes. Further, the FCC can leverage the Lifeline program to help not just students, but all low-income Americans who need connectivity while they are required to stay at home during this crisis.

OTI Urges FCC to Authorize $2.2 Billion in Available E-Rate Funds to Connect Students Left Behind During COVID-19 Pandemic