NHMC Files Comments Urging Federal Communication Commission to Make Emergency Broadband Program as Inclusive as Possible

The National Hispanic Media Coalition filed comments at the Federal Communications Commission urging the agency to roll out the Emergency Broadband program in the most inclusive way possible. Access to the internet is more crucial than ever, as a majority of this country’s population is relying upon broadband infrastructure and service to work, learn, access essential goods, socialize, and engage in civic activities. NHMC supports the FCC’s establishment of an Emergency Broadband program, and urges immediate equitable implementation to ease the burdens faced by communities hardest hit by the Coronavirus Pandemic. In particular, NHMC urges the FCC to fulfill the purpose of the Emergency Broadband program–to connect as many people affected by the pandemic as possible–by expanding its eligibility, and modifying its internal process to be more inclusive of immigrants and mixed-imigration-status families and households. The Emergency Broadband program should encourage competition in the broadband marketplace, and require transparency in pricing for all Internet Service Providers who participate in it. Finally, NHMC recommends the FCC prioritize those who are hardest hit by the pandemic in the program’s public awareness campaign by ensuring that advertising is rolled out in many languages and in culturally appropriate ways. 

NHMC Files Comments Urging Federal Communication Commission to Make Emergency Broadband Program as Inclusive as Possible