No-Cost Broadband Program Takes Aim at Digital Divide

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Even if broadband coverage isn’t the problem in a local area, the cost of high-speed Internet service may still hold back families who don’t have much money. In Longmont (CO), a program called Sharing the NextLight addresses the issue of affordability by providing broadband to eligible low-income families for free. The program, which kicked off in 2019, involves a partnership between NextLight; the Longmont Community Foundation; and the Longmont Children, Youth and Families Division. It began by connecting low-income households to the fiber service before the start of the current school year. Without charging a dollar, Sharing the NextLight has given high-speed Internet (25 Mbps/25 Mbps) to 35 families, which translates to more than 160 children served. The program is partially funded by a $12,000 grant from Longmont itself. Other funding is provided by donations. The Longmont Community Foundation has been tasked with finding significant donations from technology companies in the area. Google, for instance, has made more than one large donation. Additionally, Longmont has set up a method for existing NextLight customers to add a donation to their monthly Internet bill. 

Local No-Cost Broadband Program Takes Aim at Digital Divide