Public-Safety Broadband Network: Congressional Action is Required to Ensure Network Continuity
The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) is responsible for establishing a nationwide public-safety broadband network. In this report, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) identified four key statutory requirements and contract responsibilities currently performed by FirstNet that Congress should address before FirstNet would sunset in 2027. For example, FirstNet oversees the network contract awarded to AT&T in 2017. The current statute does not identify another federal entity to assume oversight when FirstNet sunsets. Without any legislative action, network operations and improvements would be at risk and could result in the loss of service for public-safety users. Another example is FirstNet's responsibility to collect fees and to reinvest these funds to enhance the network. FirstNet expects to collect and reinvest $18 billion in fees from AT&T over the 25-year duration of the contract with AT&T. However, the statute does not identify an organization to assume responsibility for fee collection and reinvestment if FirstNet's authority is terminated. Congressional action on key statutory requirements and contract responsibilities is essential for network continuity and enhancement.
Public-Safety Broadband Network: Congressional Action Required to Ensure Network Continuity