Senate spectrum bill markup scrapped over partisan differences

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The Senate Commerce Committee scrapped plans for a markup of wireless spectrum auction legislation that had already been punted several times. Sen Maria Cantwell (D-WA), attributed the markup’s cancelation to Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX). Sen Cruz has has own spectrum bill with Sen John Thune (R-SD), that is considered more industry-friendly and also refrains from spending auction proceeds on a variety of purposes as Cantwell’s bill would, such as restoring broadband subsidies that ran out in May. The Federal Communications Commission’s spectrum auctions are often used as a revenue-raiser by Congress to pay for other spending or to help offset the losses from tax cuts. In addition to renewing lapsed auction authority for five years, the Cantwell bill would use proceeds to fund several Biden administration priorities, including the Affordable Broadband Program, a federal grant program for semiconductor manufacturers, National Science Foundation research programs and more.

Senate spectrum bill markup scrapped over partisan differences