Starry, the startup that is trying to beam cheap internet into low-income communities
Based in Boston, the internet provider Starry has launched Starry Connect, an initiative that equips the common areas, computer rooms, and hallways of the Boston Housing Authority’s Ausonia Apartments with free 5G internet for residents. More public housing developments, both in Boston and in other cities like Los Angeles, will come online soon through the program. And soon, Starry Connect will roll out in affordable housing developments managed by Related Properties, a developer that, in addition to a range of market-rate properties, owns around 45,000 units of affordable housing across the country. Through the partnership with Related Properties, Starry Connect will also be making in-home Wi-Fi available to low-income residents–anyone receiving a housing subsidy–across the US for less than $20 per month, steeply discounted from the standard $50 flat rate. Starry’s ultimate goal is to prioritize serving people who traditionally lack internet access over turning a massive profit.
This startup is trying to beam cheap internet into low-income communities