T-Mobile told to stop with its ‘Save Up to 50%’ Home Internet claim

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T-Mobile has been advised to stop implying that a consumer can save up to 50% on their home internet services compared to major competitors like Verizon. The recommendation comes from the National Advertising Division (NAD) of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) National Programs. Verizon was the one that raised the issue with the organization, which provides dispute resolution services. In big letters, it says “Save Up to 50%.” Underneath that in smaller lettering – and probably noticeable only if you have a way to stop the commercial for a closer look – it shows the comparison to the National FCC Broadband Urban Broadband Rate Benchmark. Upon analyzation, the NAD determined that T-Mobile's reference to the "FCC Urban Broadband Rate Survey" does not represent the actual price that any consumers pay, but rather is a benchmark rate set by the FCC to ensure equitable pricing for rural areas. Further NAD stated that the benchmark rate derived from this survey is not a good fit for the challenged savings claim. NAD also determined that the “Up to 50%” savings claim is unsupported because few consumers are paying the $105 a month that T-Mobile uses as its basis for comparison from the FCC’s benchmark rates. T-Mobile told NAD that it will take its advise into account in future advertising and that T-Mobile remains a supporter of the self-regulatory process that NAD oversees.

T-Mobile told to stop with its ‘Save Up to 50%’ Home Internet claim