Technician expert: stay adaptable in broadband and it will 'take care of you'

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As people increasingly look to trade jobs in pursuit of more financial stability (without debilitating debt), one role worth considering is the broadband technician, according to Keith Busby. Currently a service technician for AT&T, Busby largely works on fiber installation, maintenance and splicing. He's an industry veteran with over two decades of experience and has watched telecom technology evolve from the dial-up days to the fiber-optic frenzy that has become the bedrock of modern internet today. Through that evolution, he has seen firsthand how crucial adaptability is in the field. “The technology changes, the equipment's changing, the testing equipment is changing. You have to be open to that,” he advised. “If you don't like change, [broadband] is probably not for you.” But for those ready to adapt to the evolving ecosystem and eager to solve hands-on problems, he believes the position offers more than a simple summer job. 

Technician expert: stay adaptable in broadband and it will 'take care of you'