Why We Need Community Based Outreach For EBB

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The National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) filed reply comments to the Federal Communications Commission focusing on the need for community-based outreach of the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) program. In the comments, we recommended that the FCC allocate $30 million of its allowed $64 million in EBB program administration dollars to the states, tribes and territories to disburse for community-based outreach. Our main points:

  • The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 allocated zero monies for the outreach of this program, which will be needed if we want families across the country to benefit from EBB.
  • Programs that increase the likelihood of successful home internet adoption include informed advocates who understand the low-cost broadband offerings and the needs of low-income households.

In order to successfully execute EBB, community based organizations have to be able to market to households. It is important that CBOs and other anchor institutions are able to communicate with their respective communities about their options. By providing this funding, community members will be more aware of their options and be empowered to make informed decisions when signing up for the services available.

Why We Need Community Based Outreach For EBB