Is Broadband Recession-Proof?

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There are new predictions of a possible recession, and it’s fair to ask if internet service providers (ISPs) should be worried about it. The question of whether broadband is recession-proof is really asking if people will willingly give up the many things that they do online. Is there a point in people’s lives where broadband becomes a necessity that they will fight to keep when times get tough? I suspect most of the people who read this blog think that broadband is essential for daily life. But the big question that will have to be answered is how many others find broadband to be indispensable. It’s easy for those of us live and breathe broadband to suppose that more people each year are finding broadband to be a necessity – but that still doesn’t mean that enough people feel that way that we can declare broadband to be recession-proof.

[Doug Dawson is president of CCG Consulting.]

Is Broadband Recession-proof?