NTIA Announces Recruitment of New FirstNet Authority Board Members
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) issued a Federal Register Notice to seek expressions of interest from individuals who would like to serve on the Board of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority Board or Board). The Board works closely with the FirstNet Authority management and is responsible for providing overall policy direction and strategic guidance. The FirstNet Authority is responsible for the deployment and operation of the FirstNet Network, a nationwide, interoperable public safety broadband network based on a single, national network architecture. In 2024, there will be 11 board seats with expiring terms, making these positions available for new appointments and reappointments of existing Board members for a three-year term. Expressions of interest must be emailed on or before February 2, 2024, and need to include:
- Full name, title, organization, address, telephone number, email address;
- Current resume;
- Brief bio;
- Statement of qualifications that references how the candidate satisfies the Act’s expertise, representational, and geographic requirements for FirstNet Authority Board membership, as described in this Notice; and
- A statement describing why the candidate wants to serve on the FirstNet Authority Board, affirming their ability and availability to take a regular and active role in the Board’s work.
NTIA Announces Recruitment of New FirstNet Authority Board Members