NTCA's Shirley Bloomfield on the challenges posed by BEAD

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In the world of rural broadband, all eyes are on the $42.5 billion Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program as individual states continue to assemble their plans. NTCA—The Rural Broadband Association CEO Shirley Bloomfield believes that BEAD has interesting potential for her members, while acknowledging that there are some wrinkles that need to be ironed out. Challenges include managing through the fragmented, state-by-state approach when it comes to implementation, the critical need for accurate mapping, the challenge process and the need to provide a low-cost option. Bloomfield is particularly concerned that the challenge process could prove burdensome for rural providers, possibly causing some of them to walk away from BEAD opportunities.

NTCA's Bloomfield on the challenges posed by BEAD