Is this really wireless vs. Elon Musk?

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The wireless industry, namely CTIA, recently cheered Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Brendan Carr’s move to launch a Notice of Inquiry (NOI) into the upper C-band—meaning more licensed spectrum being pumped into the pipeline for wireless carriers. But analysts say it’s too early to celebrate. That’s because Elon Musk’s SpaceX is eyeing the same spectrum for shared satellite use and it’s not at all clear where this will eventually land. For the most part, wireless lobbyists are calling the NOI a win, and for good reason. But reading the fine print, analysts say it’s not a slam dunk for wireless operators. There’s wiggle room, for example, where the draft NOI seeks comment on “how to provide opportunities for more intensive use of the spectrum, whether terrestrial or satellite based.” In other words, it’s clear as mud.

Is this really wireless vs. Elon Musk?