Mississippi Approves Twelve New Broadband Projects Using Capital Projects Funds

The Office of Broadband Expansion and Accessibility of Mississippi (BEAM) recently approved 12 broadband infrastructure projects totaling $32.5 million to be funded by the Capital Projects Fund (CPF). These 12 CPF projects will provide $32.5 million of grant funding to build internet services to approximately 9,000 households in portions of 12 counties across the state. In 2024, BEAM approved 37 other CPF projects totaling $100 million to serve approximately 42,000 households across the state. Additionally, BEAM has made $878,000 in awards in a smaller CPF category for public wi-fi projects. These funds were applied for by and awarded to internet providers to build wi-fi in public places (downtowns, parks, volunteer fire stations, etc.) for individuals to utilize for school, telehealth, or similar uses. Program guidelines from the US Department of Treasury require all projects funded by CPF to be completed by December 31, 2026.

Twelve New Broadband Projects Approved