The Battle Over CBRS Spectrum

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It’s becoming clear that there is going to a never-ending battle over mid-band spectrum. In late 2024, AT&T asked the Federal Communications Commission to allow for full-power use of CBRS spectrum. AT&T’s request would make the spectrum usable for cellular service while killing many of the existing uses of the spectrum. Twenty-five organizations sent a joint letter to FCC Chairman Brendon Carr in opposition to the AT&T request, including trade organizations, large internet service providers, public advocates, vendors, and large corporations. This group cautions that the AT&T request would kill the current uses of the CBRS spectrum for rural broadband, competitive mobile services, manufacturing, industrial and enterprise private networks, transportation and logistics connectivity, and school and library access. It’s obvious that the coalition of signees to the letter takes the AT&T request seriously. It’s also becoming clear that FCC decisions on spectrum allocation are not necessarily permanent. Expect an interesting fight over the next year.

The Battle Over CBRS Spectrum