Lawmakers Reintroduce Bipartisan Legislation to Establish Trans-Atlantic Submarine Fiber Optic Table Legislation

Rep Stacy Plaskett (D-VI) and Rep Russ Fulcher (R-ID) reintroduced legislation (H.R.3385) to request an assessment of the value, cost, and feasibility of developing a Trans-Atlantic submarine fiber optic cable that will connect the East coast of the United States, via the United States Virgin Islands, with Nigeria and Ghana. Presently, there is no direct fiber optic link between the US and the continent of Africa. Africa is increasingly an area that presents dynamic economic opportunity for our country as well as national security challenges that must be addressed. The Virgin Islands is strategically positioned in the transit zones to fight transnational crime and protect U.S. national and regional security in the Caribbean as well as be a safe hub for optic between the 2 continents. The Trans-Atlantic submarine fiber optic cable network’s strategic location makes DiasporaLink a “Digital Safe Harbor” under the U.S. flag. This service will provide African and Caribbean submarine operators and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) a clear channel to U.S. financial and business centers. In the 118th Congress, this legislation passed through the House Energy & Commerce Committee with unanimous support, passed the House of Representatives and was sent on to the Senate.

Lawmakers Reintroduce Bipartisan Legislation to Establish Trans-Atlantic Submarine Fiber Optic Table Legislation