VCBB Accepting Applications for BEAD Program Funding
Vermont’s Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program is now accepting proposals from Internet Service Providers to implement Vermont’s $239 million, federally funded program to deploy broadband internet service throughout the state. The VT-BEAD Full Proposal portal will close at 11:55pm on April 16, 2025. Only those ISPs that submitted a VT-BEAD Pre-proposal are eligible to submit Full Proposals. Prospective Subrecipients who did not submit a Pre-proposal should visit VCBB’s website to understand how to determine whether they can apply. The VCBB is aware that the BEAD program is under federal review and will keep Prospective Subrecipients apprised of any changes that will affect the Full Proposal process, including changes to scoring. Until any notice from the NTIA, the VCBB will continue to implement the VT-BEAD program in accordance with Vermont’s Initial Proposal.
VCBB Accepting Applications for BEAD Program Funding