Communications-related Headlines for 6/4/97
Street Art Wars
Senator Tells Networks To Revamp New Ratings
A campaign urges gay men and lesbians to resist tobacco ads
Media 'Revolving Door' Spins Faster for Liberals
Cable: Paying Green, Seeing Red
Virtual Anxiety
Title: Street Art Wars
Source: New York Times (A30)
Author: NY Times Editorial Staff
Issue: Arts&Culture/First Amendment
Description: New York City wanted to control street artists by requiring
them to obtain licenses which are so rare they are almost impossible to get.
The City lost the case in court, though.
Title: Senator Tells Networks To Revamp New Ratings
Source: New York Times (B1)
Author: Lawrie Mifflin
Issue: V-Chip
Description: Senator John McCain (R-Ariz), Chairman of the Commerce
Committee, has summoned representatives from the four major networks and
Time Warner to tell them they should revise the TV ratings system to include
content labels. McCain says that if the industry does not change the system,
he will support legislation that does. The FCC will hold hearings on the
system on the system on June 20.
Title: A campaign urges gay men and lesbians to resist tobacco ads
Source: New York Times (D8)
Author: Stuart Elliott
Issue: Public Service Media/Minorities
Description: Public service campaigns that target certain segments of the
population are becoming increasingly prevalent. In California, the Lavender
Smoke-Free Project is introducing a campaign financed by a tax on
cigarettes. Tobacco companies have followed the trend to target the lavender
community and activists are trying to get publishers to reject that ad money.
Title: Media 'Revolving Door' Spins Faster for Liberals
Source: Wall Street Journal (A18)
Author: Brent Bozell III and Brent Baker
Issue: Journalism
Description: This op-ed by the chairman of Media Research Center and the
editor of the organization's Mediawatch newsletter argues that the dividing
line between politics and journalism has been blurry for a long time, and
that many more liberals swing from politics to journalism than
Title: Cable: Paying Green, Seeing Red
Source: Washington Post (A22)
Author: WP editorial staff
Issue: Cable TV
Description: National cable rates have been rising at twice the rate of
inflation. Montgomery County, Maryland will face a 9.5 percent rate
increase. Alexandria, Virginia is going to receive an 11.8 percent increase
next month. Few counties have successfully opposed cable rate increases,
and "until competition can be generated, government attempts to determine
reasonable rates of return or performance standards remain imperfect pursuits."
Title: Virtual Anxiety
Source: Washington Post (A23)
Author: Robert J. Samuelson
Issue: Lifestyles! (soon to be an exciting new informercial)
Description: In this column, Samuelson points out that though Americans
have more free time, we still are anxious about everything and always feel
rushed."We are awash in time-saving devices that, lo and behold, consume
more and more of our time." The GTE Airfone knows how to get to us: "Why
Wait? -- Check Voice Mail -- Call the Office -- Phone the Kids." In the 6
years between 1990 and 1996 (always been real good with numbers), the number
of cell phones rose from 5 million to 44 million. AOL tells us that the
number of emails a day has tripled its size since 1996 to 14 million. 28
percent of households have pagers. "Do one in four Americans need to be