Digital Content

Information that is published or distributed in a digital form, including text, data, sound recordings, photographs and images, motion pictures, and software.

Five Digital Literacy Resources You Need to Know About

The National Digital Inclusion Alliance compiled a sampling of free, online digital literacy resources that demonstrate the diversity of curricula and methods that can be explored to help determine what works best for your community:


Video Continues to Drive Broadband Usage

Nielsen recently published some statistics about the way that we watch video that shows a continuing trend of migration from traditional video to watching video online. One of the most striking statistics is the total volume of online video. December 2021 saw an aggregate of 183 billion minutes of online video viewing, and even that number is likely small since there are many uses of video on the web that are not likely counted in the total.

Civil liberties advocates decamp to tech industry

The tight-knit civil liberties advocacy community has helped shepherd through the most significant reforms to government surveillance over the past decade. But a growing number of experienced civil liberties and privacy activists have taken jobs at major tech companies in recent years, even as the data collection and practices of tech companies and the government come under increasing scrutiny.

FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel Announces Task Force to Prevent Digital Discrimination

Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel announced the formation of a cross-agency task force that will focus on creating rules and policies to combat digital discrimination and to promote equal access to broadband across the country, regardless of zip code, income level, ethnicity, race, religion, or national origin.

Visions of the Internet in 2035

Pew Research Center's report is the second of two analyzing the insights of hundreds of technology experts who responded in the summer of 2021 to a canvassing of their predictions about the evolution of online public spaces and their role in democracy in the coming years.

When the News is Not the News

The internet has failed to nourish our news and information diet the way we hoped it would twenty years ago. The norm is major platforms poaching the news they distribute directly from newspaper and television newsrooms while failing to make any meaningful investments in journalism despite generating billions of dollars in advertising revenue that traditional media once depended upon. Solutions have been suggested; one option is vigorous anti-trust to break up monopolies.

FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel to Lead Federal Interagency Cybersecurity Forum

The Federal Communications Commission announced that Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel will serve as Chair of the relaunched and revitalized Cybersecurity Forum for Independent and Executive Branch Regulators, a federal interagency group that shares information and expertise to enhance the cybersecurity of America’s critical infrastructure. Initially launched in 2014, the Forum has been mostly inactive for the past several years.

California's net neutrality law upheld

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld California’s net neutrality law, rejecting an attempt by telecommunications industry groups to prevent the state from enforcing it. The court upheld a previous ruling, which means the status quo stays and the state can continue to enforce the law. This means California can continue its ban on internet providers slowing down or blocking access to websites and applications that don’t pay for premium service. California's net neutrality law was signed by former Gov Jerry Brown (D-CA) in 2018.

A Resolution Recognizing the Importance of Rural Broadband

Resolved, That the House of Representatives finds that—