Digital Content

Information that is published or distributed in a digital form, including text, data, sound recordings, photographs and images, motion pictures, and software.

Democratic infighting on Section 230 reform spreads

Democrats reintroduced in both chambers a bill to examine the impact the first-ever law revamping Section 230 has had on marginalized sex workers, suggesting new efforts to reform the tech industry’s liability shield may face sustained headwinds from progressives. The reintroduced bill comes less than a month after senators advanced the EARN IT Act (

Ukraine conflict splinters the global internet

Moves to restrict Kremlin disinformation after Russia's invasion of Ukraine are further splintering the global internet even as they help stem the tide of propaganda.

FCC Launches Inquiry into Internet Routing Vulnerabilities

The Federal Communications Commission released a Notice of Inquiry seeking comment on steps that the FCC should take to protect the nation's communications network from vulnerabilities posed by the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). The Department of Homeland Security warned US organizations at all levels that they could face cyber threats stemming from the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The proposal would begin an inquiry into the vulnerabilities of the Internet’s global routing system.

Faster Symmetrical Bandwidth and Lower Latency are Needed for the Metaverse, Says Meta

The metaverse offers opportunities for service providers but will require network advances, according to Meta, formerly Facebook. The company said the metaverse “calls for vast enhancements in capacity and fundamental shifts in how networks are architected and deployed, as well as industry-wide collaboration – from tech companies to mobile operators, service providers, policymakers, and more.” Meta sees three key requirements for the networks required to support the metaverse, including:

Rep Trahan Unveils Comprehensive Online Transparency Legislation

Rep. Lori Trahan (D-MA-03), a member of the House Commerce Committee’s Consumer Protection and Commerce Subcommittee, unveiled the Digital Services Oversight and Safety Act (DSOSA), comprehensive transparency legislation to establish a Bureau of Digital Services Oversight and Safety at the Federal Trade Commission that would have the authority and resources necessary to hold powerful online companies accountable for the promises they make to users, parents, advertisers, and enforcers.

What is ‘good’ digital infrastructure? Measuring digital infrastructure to maximize development outcomes and mitigate risks

Do current measurement tools suffice in capturing the positive development impact of digital infrastructure and provide a lens through which to assess its potential downside risks? The inquiry focused primarily on payments, identity, and data exchange technologies—which together are commonly referred to as the “digital stack” and recognized as foundational components of any national digital transformation. Major findings include:

Sens Blumenthal and Blackburn Introduce Comprehensive Kids' Online Safety Legislation

Sens Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) introduced the Kids Online Safety Act, comprehensive bipartisan legislation to enhance children’s safety online. The Kids Online Safety Act:

The Future of Tech: A Blueprint for Action

The independent, nonpartisan Future of Tech Commission was formed to consider and propose a national framework and tech policy blueprint for the United States. Based on the range of input and information shared with us, it is clear that there is broad consensus on a few key points, namely that:

How to Make Sure Digital Technology Works for the Public Good

The Internet of Things (IoT) is completely enmeshed in our daily lives, a network of connected laptops, phones, cars, fitness trackers—even smart toasters and refrigerators—that are increasingly able to make decisions on their own. But how to ensure that these devices benefit us, rather than exploit us or put us at risk? New work, led by Francine Berman at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, proposes a novel framework, the “impact universe,” that can help policymakers keep the public interest in focus amidst the rush to adopt ever-new digital technology.