
The Federal Communications Commission has considered four aspects of diversity: 1) Viewpoint diversity ensures that the public has access to a wide range of diverse and antagonistic opinions and interpretations provided by opportunities for varied groups, entities and individuals to participate in the different phases of the broadcast industry; 2) Outlet diversity is the control of media outlets by a variety of independent owners; 3) Source diversity ensures that the public has access to information and programming from multiple content providers; and 4) Program diversity refers to a variety of programming formats and content.



Wed, 06/27/2018 - 19:00 to 20:30

Women are underrepresented in many technological occupations, but have increasingly made inroads into the field of civic technology, a sector of digital technologies, platforms, and services which enable progress toward the public good. Civic tech provides a toolbox for citizens and governments to enhance open government, spur community action, and combat inequality. The growing inclusion of women in this field adds their unique experiences and perspectives to the development of transformative technology solutions, reinforcing the role of greater diversity in the workforce.

The Unsettling Hum of Silicon Valley’s Failure to Hire More Black Workers

Tech companies know that they have a race problem. But their efforts to address it have so far yielded little. Facebook Inc. says that 3 percent of its U.S. workforce is black, up from 2 percent in 2014, while black workers in technical roles stagnated at 1 percent. Only 2 percent of Google's workers are black, a figure that has remained static for the past three years. The Alphabet inc unit's efforts to increase that have sparked an internal backlash, with one former employee suing because of perceived discrimination against white and male candidates. Among 8 of the largest U.S.

Chairman Pai Remarks at FCC Supplier Diversity Workshop

[Speech] Now that I’ve seen what you can do, I’m adjusting my expectations. I’m raising the bar. I going to expect the Diversity Advisory Committee to work with Federal Communications Commision staff to make more real-world connections for small businesses, including those owned by women and minorities. I’m going to expect more recommendations on policies and best practices. I’m going to expect recommendations on how to bring more diversity to Silicon Valley.

Older Americans and Broadband: Getting Connected

[Press release] The Federal Communications Commission is working to promote the benefits of broadband service among older Americans. Many older Americans remain on the sidelines of the digital revolution, lagging far behind the generations that have followed. Why the lag? An important factor is that seniors have not been a typical target demographic for early adoption and the lion’s share of product marketing remains focused on younger Americans.

MMTC, NABOB Say FCC Should Help Northstar, SNR Cure DE Applications

The Multicultural Media Telecom and Internet Council and National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters told the Federal Communications Commission it needs to work with SNR Wireless and Northstar to help them qualify for designated entity (DE) bidding credits, a way to encourage minority participation in spectrum auctions. The two companies teamed with Dish Network to acquire $10 billion worth of spectrum licenses in the AWS-3 auction.

Sourcelist, a database of experts in technology policy from diverse backgrounds

Sourcelist is a database of experts in technology policy from diverse backgrounds. We built Sourcelist on the principle that technology policymaking stands to benefit from the inclusion of the voices of a broader diversity of people. It aims to help journalists, conference planners, and others to identify and connect with experts outside of their usual sources and panelists. Sourcelist’s purpose is to facilitate more diverse representation by leveraging technology to create a user-friendly resource for people whose decisions can make a difference.

Mignon Clyburn Delivers Last Remarks as FCC Commissioner

[Speech] I believe that the networks that we rely on should be totally free of discrimination, and should reflect our greatest democratic ideals. I believe that our networks are more valuable to all of us when they connect all of us. I believe that public resources should be deployed primarily on behalf of the public. I believe that we have a moral obligation to serve the unserved and close existing gaps, while allowing existing prosperity to continue, so long as it does not cause undue disadvantage to anyone else.

The digital revolution is leaving black people behind

Black Americans are frequent users of technology, and have helped build social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram into the giants they are today. But they aren’t reaping the same economic benefits of the tech boom as white Americans, and low rates of black employment in the tech industry are a large part of the reason why. The State of Black America 2018, a report published annually by the National Urban League, compares how black and white people fare in a number of areas, including housing, economics, education, social justice, and civic engagement.

Black lawmakers are impatient with tech’s lack of diversity and are threatening regulation to force the issue

Leading black lawmakers are growing impatient with tech’s largely unfulfilled promises to improve employee diversity. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) made the strongest case for regulation during a panel discussion with other members of the Congressional Black Caucus on the last day of their trip to Silicon Valley. She said she was “floored” to find out that many tech companies had only 1 percent to 2 percent black employees.

Municipal Broadband: Urban Savior Or Gentrification’s Wrecking Ball?

The case for city-operated broadband is compelling. It offers comparatively fast service. It’s celebrated as a means by which to preserve net neutrality.