Upcoming event
A joint workshop to provide updates on efforts to secure the nation’s communications supply chain. This day-long workshop is part of NCSC events in April highlighting National Supply Chain Integrity Month and will feature panels that explore initiatives to promote the supply chain integrity of small and medium-sized businesses and efforts to protect the software supply chain.
The following items are tentatively on the agenda for the April Open Commission Meeting:
As the need for gigabit connectivity grows, so too does the Fiber Connect Conference & Exhibition. The 2021 edition of the event will offer new and unique opportunities for business development, market development, technology demonstration and peer-group interaction.
As access to advanced communications capabilities have become increasingly important to communities across America, many state and local governments have found that public-private partnerships are their best option, and in some cases their only viable choice. This session will examine the key business and legal considerations involved. To be discussed:
NDN will be hosting Rep. Suzan DelBene (bio) to discuss her important new bill, the Information Transparency and Personal Data Control Act. The bill would create a national data privacy standard to protect our most personal information and bring our laws into the 21st Century.
Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the U.S. Department of Commerce created the State Broadband Initiative. The partnership between state government officials, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, and the Federal Communications Commission included an important component for state officials in broadband mapping. But State Broadband Initiatives did much more: They coordinated infrastructure investments, facilitated training and grants for digital literacy and digital inclusion, and helped raise consumer awareness about broadband.
The roundtable will feature Minority, Women, and Small Business (MWS) Tech Entrepreneurship Support Organizations that facilitate entrepreneurship in their local cities. Within certain cities, these organizations have become “tech anchor institutions” for conversations, funding, and policies regarding the building of local, inclusive tech ecosystems, and the development of both diverse tech founders and worker pipelines.