Verizon Responds to Shareholders’ Concerns on User Data
Verizon Communications has taken an aggressive stance against a proposed shareholder resolution that would require it to be more forthcoming about the customer information it shares with the government.
Activist investors sent the resolution to Verizon and AT&T in November 2013. AT&T said that it opposed the resolution, and Verizon has taken an even harder stance. Trillium Asset Management, an investment firm, which submitted the proposal to Verizon, demanded that the company publish reports on the information it hands over in response to government surveillance requests. In response, Verizon’s lawyer said the company would skip a vote on the proposal if Trillium did not prove it was eligible to file the resolution in the first place. “The materials that Verizon has received from Trillium fail to establish that Trillium has the authority to submit the proposal,” Verizon said in a letter dated Nov 25 that Trillium provided. Trillium has responded, detailing its eligibility to file the resolution.