Big Telecom Companies and the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment Program Grants

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We’re finally starting to gain a picture of how the big telecommunication companies (telecos) are preparing to leverage the upcoming Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) grants. Chiefly, large telecos all say they will be building rural fiber with grant funding – which is what rural America most desires. But a lot of rural folks blame the big telcos for the current miserable state of rural broadband. There are several big fears that I hear voiced about the big telcos winning the grant funding. One is that the big telcos will not follow through after winning the grant funding, and begin to cut corners and not build to the most remote households in a grant award area. Though, the biggest fear is that big telecos will build the new network as funded, but won't hire enough technicians or cut corners on maintenance, the fiber networks will deteriorate over time. However, one of the most important aspects of the BEAD grants will be community approval and partnerships with the grant applicants. It will be curious to see if the big telcos seriously court local support for grant applications or do little more than ask for a letter of support when it’s time to file grants. If a community really wants to keep out the big telcos, the best strategy is to partner with somebody you trust more.

Big Telcos and the BEAD Grants