Lumen's ultra-fast fiber move is massive

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Lumen Technologies is expanding its residential and small business fiber internet service, Quantum Fiber, in more than 30 cities and metro areas in the US. Quantum Fiber is a subscription-based, prepaid, online platform for delivering secure, premier fiber-based connectivity to residents and small businesses. Local Quantum Fiber teams are working on expansions in the following cities and surrounding metro areas: Albuquerque, NM, Boise, ID, Bozeman, MO, Cheyenne, WY, Denver and Colorado Springs, CO, Des Moines, IA, Fort Myers, Ocala, Orlando, and Tallahassee FL, Las Vegas, NV, Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN, Omaha, NE, Portland, OR, Salt Lake City, UT, Seattle and Spokane, WA, and Phoenix and Tucson, AZ.

Lumen's ultra-fast fiber move is massive