NDIA Requests FCC Update and Release of Broadband Adoption Data

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To ensure Congress's largest-ever broadband and digital equity investments are here to stay, we must have robust and accurate broadband adoption data. Unfortunately, such broadband adoption data is not currently publicly available. While the Federal Communications Commission's maps were updated in 2021 with 2020 data, the broadband adoption data was not released. The importance of having robust, accurate, and timely data can not be overstated. As such, the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) has submitted a letter urging the FCC to publish and increase the usability of its existing adoption data. NDIA requests that the FCC:


  1. Release more detailed datasets.
  2. Improve the usability of the Internet Access Services map on the FCC’s website.
  3. Publish reports that contain the most up-to-date data and return to a regular bi-annual release schedule of such data.

NDIA Requests FCC Update & Release of Broadband Adoption Data