New York City 's chief technology officer Matt Fraser commands attention

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At the beginning of Mayor Eric Adams’ term, New York City Chief Technology Officer Matt Fraser stepped in to head up the city’s new Office of Technology and Innovation, a reorganization of the city’s technology and IT offices into one central authority. In relation to New York's "Big Apple Connect," and "Internet Master Plan," Fraser said any plan that has a tangible item that's supposed to be delivered within a two-year timeframe, but you get two years in, and there's not a single contract issued – that’s not a plan, it’s an idea. Fraser continued, saying, "We brought in our big cable providers. We brought in the folks at Charter Communications, we brought in the folks at Altice, and we brought in the folks at Verizon. We want to make sure that we get these communities access as quickly as possible. We started with public housing, but we're not going to stop at public housing. We're going to extend that to those that have other housing subsidies from the city and try to extend these programs to them as well."

New York City tech chief Matt Fraser commands attention