ConnectingALL with Digital Equity Capacity Grant in New York

The New York State Digital Equity Plan––created by the state's ConnectALL Office––envisions a state transformed by digital infrastructure that brings to all New York residents access to high-speed, reliable, and affordable broadband for education, economic growth, and full participation in civic life. With this vision and plan, the state is beginning to implement its programs, supported by over $36 million in funding from the National Telecommunication and Information Administration's (NTIA) Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program. According to NTIA, ConnectALL will use its $36 million in funding to undertake the following key initiatives:

  • Fund new and existing programs that distribute new and refurbished devices, such as computers or laptops.
  • Fund tech support programs as a job-readiness pathway.
  • Develop digital safety trainings that protect against stolen data, scams, surveillance, and online harassment.

Keep reading for more specifics on ConnectALL's digital equity goals, key activities, and full implementation timeline.

ConnectingALL with Digital Equity Capacity Grant in New York