Governor Hochul Announces $26 Million Investment To Expand Affordable Broadband Access In Oswego County, New York

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Governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY) announced a $26 million ConnectALL grant to Oswego County to construct a fiber-to-the-home network that will expand broadband access to about 10,792 homes, businesses and community institutions across 22 towns and villages. The project will construct 345 miles of fiber infrastructure, significantly expanding high-speed internet access throughout rural areas of the county. This grant is part of New York State's Municipal Infrastructure Program, which has now awarded over $240 million in funding for broadband expansion projects. Collectively, these investments support the construction of nearly 2,400 miles of broadband infrastructure, reaching about 98,000 locations across New York State. 

Governor Hochul Announces $26 Million Connectall Investment To Expand Affordable Broadband Access In Oswego County