ACA Announces Nick Capozzi As New State Broadband Director

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The Arizona Commerce Authority announced that Nick Capozzi will serve as Arizona’s new State Broadband Director. Capozzi replaces Sandip Bhowmick, who has served in the position since February 2022 and is departing for a role in the private sector. Nick comes to the ACA from the Governor’s Office, where he has served as Operations Advisor and State Infrastructure Coordinator. While at the Governor’s Office, Nick has been closely involved in statewide broadband planning and expansion efforts. Prior to that, he served as a budget and grants analyst at the Governor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Budgeting. In 2018, the Arizona Legislature created the position of State Broadband Director, which oversees the State Broadband Office housed within the ACA. 

ACA Announces Nick Capozzi As New State Broadband Director