Emergency Communications

The Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, Huricane Katrina and other man-made and natural disasters often reveal flaws in emergency communications systems. Here we attempt to chart the effects of disasters on our telecommunications and media communications systems -- and efforts by policymakers to stregthen these systems.

FCC Commissioner O'Rielly Letter to Assistant US Attorney for Guam on 911 Fee Diversion

On July 6, 2018, Federal Communications Commissioner Michael O'Rielly wrote to Mikel Schwab, Civil Chief, Assitant US Attorney for the Department of Justice in the Districts of Guam & the NMI, regarding 911 Fee Diversion.



Tue, 07/10/2018 - 14:00

The Policy Forum at AT&T is hosting an in-person, in-depth discussion on FirstNet and the efforts currently underway to build, deploy, and operate the first-ever nationwide public safety broadband network. Chris Sambar, Senior Vice President, AT&T, FirstNet Program will provide the keynote address.


Federal Communications Commission

Thu, 07/12/2018 - 15:30 to 17:30

FCC Agenda for July 2018 Open Meeting

[Press release] The Federal Communications Commission will hold an Open Meeting on the subject listed below on Thursday, July 12, 2018: 

FCC Settles Investigation into Two AT&T Mobility 911 Outages in 2017

The Federal Communications Commission’s Enforcement Bureau settled an investigation into AT&T Mobility’s 911 outages of March and May 2017.

Senator Wyden to FCC: How much do police stingrays drain a cellphone battery?

In a new letter to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai, Sen Ron Wyden (D-OR) submitted a slew of new questions concerning how the controversial stingray devices interact with the 911 emergency system. His inquiries come on the heels of efforts in May to scrutinize what the Department of Justice knows about the secretive use of these devices. In addition, Sen Wyden got a new amendment into an appropriations bill that was approved by the Senate on June 25.

AT&T’s CEO: After FirstNet tower climbs, 5G will be a software upgrade

AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson said that the company’s work to upgrade its network with FirstNet’s 700 MHz spectrum will position it to move to 5G network technology via a software upgrade. “To build out this FirstNet capability, this first responder network, we have to go climb every cell tower. Literally, we have to go touch every cell tower over the next couple of years,” explained Stephenson. "As we're touching those cell towers, every single one of them, we have a lot of spectrum in inventory.

FirstNet launches, giving police and firefighters a dedicated wireless network and infinite possibilities

The idea for FirstNet was long in gestation, beginning with the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, but has rapidly come to fruition in the year since AT&T won a contract to build it for the federal government. The idea was a dedicated wireless network exclusively for first responders, enabling them to communicate in emergencies on a secure system built to handle massive amounts of data. The government agency was created after 9/11 to devise the interoperability of first responders, and then to enable video, data and text capabilities in addition to voice.

Thermostats, Locks and Lights: Digital Tools of Domestic Abuse

Internet-connected locks, speakers, thermostats, lights and cameras that have been marketed as the newest conveniences are now also being used as a means for harassment, monitoring, revenge and control.  In more than 30 interviews with The New York Times, domestic abuse victims, their lawyers, shelter workers and emergency responders described how the technology was becoming an alarming new tool.

FCC must keep Puerto Ricans connected to Lifeline this storm season

[Commentary]  As we get deeper into hurricane season, Washington should be doing what it can to keep [the Lifeline program] in place. When people on the island prepare for this year’s storms and amass their 10 days of supplies, they should have the comfort of knowing that the Federal Communications Commission is not undermining the program they use to stay connected. But that’s not what’s happening. Instead, the agency has announced plans to gut the Lifeline program by as much as 70 percent of participants. To justify such a drastic cut, the FCC says it wants to prevent program waste.