FCC Announces Pilot Program Funding Opportunity To Raise Nationwide Awareness Of Affordable Connectivity Program
The Federal Communications Commission announced details for two pilot program opportunities to promote the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) nationwide. The pilot program outreach grants seek to enlist trusted community messengers to develop innovative outreach strategies to reach historically unserved and underserved communities, including those serving recipients of federal housing assistance and communities interested in launching digital navigator programs. The FCC is issuing a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for up to $5 million for the Your Home, Your Internet Pilot Program (YHYI) Outreach Grants and up to $5 million for the ACP Navigator Pilot Program (NPP) Outreach Grants. Eligible applicants must submit applications by January 9, 2023, 9:00 p.m. EST. This NOFO will only apply to pilot participants seeking grant funds, those participants who will self-fund the pilot will not be required to adhere to the NOFO requirements.
- The Your Home, Your Internet Pilot Program (YHYI) Outreach Grants provide funding to eligible state, local, and Tribal housing agencies or non-profit organizations, community-based organizations, and tenant association partners to federal, state, local, or Tribal housing agencies for outreach activities to increase awareness and encourage participation in the Affordable Connectivity Program for households receiving federal housing assistance. The one-year pilot program will allow the FCC to test the best methods for helping consumers receiving qualifying federal housing assistance available through Department of Housing and Urban Development programs and administered at the federal, Tribal, regional, and local level to learn about and enroll in the ACP. YHYI funding will only be provided to entities that are selected to participate in the Your Home, Your Internet Pilot Program.
- The ACP Navigator Pilot Program (NPP) Outreach Grants is a one-year pilot program that provides funding to support outreach activities by trusted, neutral third-party entities, such as schools and school districts or other local or state government entities, with access to the National Verifier for purposes of assisting consumers with applying for the ACP. NPP funding will only be provided to entities that are selected to participate in the ACP Navigator Pilot Program.
FCC Announces Pilot Program Funding Opportunity To Raise Nationwide Awareness Of Affordable Connectivity Program