Top 10 novel and thoughtful concepts in the newly-approved Louisiana BEAD plan
December 18, 2023
A Top 10 list of elements that are novel or different in Louisiana's BEAD plan compared to what has been proposed in other state draft plans:
- Use of customized "sub-project area" units (SPAs) to define application areas
- Highly flexible rules for how SPAs are combined into applications
- "Separable" applications to support deconfliction in the most efficient manner
- Two-round bidding
- Removal of up to 20% of BSLs from a grant proposal if needed to achieve deconfliction
- Ability to make BSL-level revisions to an FTTH proposal including substitutions of alternate technology types during the Extremely High Cost Location Threshold (EHCT) process
- Low-cost service option: "Upward departure modification" mechanism to adjust the base target rate
- Use of fixed amount subawards and accelerated disbursement schedule for funding
- Penalty condition for subgrantees who subsequently default on a pre-existing federal obligation that resulted in de-duplication removal of eligible locations (eg, RDOF)
- Support for mobile broadband infrastructure as a deployment use of funds
Top 10 novel and thoughtful concepts in the newly-approved Louisiana BEAD plan