Top 10 novel and thoughtful concepts in the newly-approved Louisiana BEAD plan

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A Top 10 list of elements that are novel or different in Louisiana's BEAD plan compared to what has been proposed in other state draft plans: 

  1. Use of  customized "sub-project area" units (SPAs) to define application areas 
  2. Highly flexible rules for how SPAs are combined into applications
  3. "Separable" applications to support deconfliction in the most efficient manner
  4. Two-round bidding
  5. Removal of up to 20% of BSLs from a grant proposal if needed to achieve deconfliction
  6. Ability to make BSL-level revisions to an FTTH proposal including substitutions of alternate technology types during the Extremely High Cost Location Threshold (EHCT) process
  7. Low-cost service option: "Upward departure modification" mechanism to adjust the base target rate
  8. Use of fixed amount subawards and accelerated disbursement schedule for funding
  9. Penalty condition for subgrantees who subsequently default on a pre-existing federal obligation that resulted in de-duplication removal of eligible locations (eg, RDOF)
  10. Support for mobile broadband infrastructure as a deployment use of funds

Top 10 novel and thoughtful concepts in the newly-approved Louisiana BEAD plan