Education technology

Facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources

Rural Kids Face an Internet 'Homework Gap.' The FCC Could Help

While several slices of spectrum can carry mobile internet, the most promising for rural school districts is one the Federal Communications Commission first reserved for educational television broadcasts in the 1960s. Over three decades, the government gave away more than 2,000 spectrum licenses to school districts and education nonprofits, primarily in urban areas. But the FCC effectively stopped issuing such licenses in 1995, because many license holders weren’t using their spectrum, and instead making money by leasing it to commercial telecommunication companies.

Why San Jose Kids Do Homework in Parking Lots

More than 10.7 million low-income households in the United States lack access to quality internet service. In cities like San Jose (CA), local governments are using streetlight poles to facilitate equitable access to high-speed internet to dramatically improve educational outcomes for low-income students and expand economic opportunity for their families.

USDA Announces Funding to Increase Access to Education, Workforce Training and Health Care Opportunities in Rural Communities

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue announced that the US Department of Agriculture is awarding grants for 128 projects to increase access to job training, educational and health care services in rural areas. USDA is awarding $39.6 million through the Distance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT) Grant Program. More than 4.5 million residents in 40 states and three territories will benefit from the funding. Investments include:

The Digital Gap Between Rich and Poor Kids Is Not What We Expected

America’s public schools are still promoting devices with screens — even offering digital-only preschools. The rich are banning screens from class altogether. It wasn’t long ago that the worry was that rich students would have access to the internet earlier, gaining tech skills and creating a digital divide. Schools ask students to do homework online, while only about two-thirds of people in the US have broadband internet service.

FCC's O'Rielly Warns That Children's TV Rules Could Go Away

Federal Communications Commissioner Michael O'Rielly suggested the agency's children's video rules might be unconstitutional. He said a good case could, and had been, made that the rules are an abridgement of broadcasters' speech rights, and thus illegal. 

Child Advocates to FCC: Rules Were Not Made to Be Broken

A coalition of organizations told the Federal Communications Commission that the FCC should retain its children's programming rules. The Center for Digital Democracy, Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, Common Sense Kids Action, Color of Change, Dr. Jenny Radesky, and the Benton Foundation wrote:

PTC: FCC Yet to Address Fundamental KidVid Questions

The Parents Television Council says the Federal Communications Commission needs to answer some fundamental questions before it decides to make any "material" changes to its children's TV rules, which would mean voting on an order stemming from the July Notice of Proposed Rulemakiing it approved launching the review of the rules. The questions PTC says have yet to be answered in the Notice of Propose Rulemaking:

MIT announces $1 billion artificial intelligence and computing initiative

Massachusetts Institute of Technology has announced a $1 billion commitment to computing and artificial intelligence that will see the size of its faculty in these fields near double, based on a $350m gift from Stephen Schwarzman, chief executive and co-founder of the global private equity group Blackstone. MIT said the initiative would be the largest investment in computing and AI ever made by an American university, and its biggest structural change since the 1950s when academics at MIT started pioneering research into AI.

From Hotspots to School Bus Wi-Fi, Districts Seek Out Solutions to ‘Homework Gap’

While most schools in the US boast broadband access these days, there is a homework gap—the problem created when students who use digital learning in class can’t get online at home to finish up their schoolwork. There isn’t going to be a silver bullet on this issue, said Susan Bearden, chief innovation officer at the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN), during a panel at the Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition conference.

Advocates Ask FCC Chairman Not To Take Away 5G Spectrum From Rural America

Public Knowledge joined 20 rural advocacy organizations, rural healthcare providers, rural network operators, and public interest advocates (including the Benton Foundation) in a letter urging Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai to preserve the existing Citizens Band Radio Service (CBRS) rules that enable small providers to offer service in rural areas.