Edtech Opportunities and Challenges for the New School Year

The State Education Technology Directors Association (SETDA) released its third annual State EdTech Trends survey and report. With this survey of state education technology (edtech) directors, superintendents, commissioners of education, and other state-level policymakers, SETDA aims to catalog the way state education agencies are adapting to the opportunities and risks of increasingly ubiquitous technology. The report presents four key findings based on the survey: 

  1. State agencies are stepping up to meet the demand for more support on the responsible adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in education.

  2. For the second year in a row, cybersecurity is the top edtech priority among state leaders, but fewer state leaders believe their state is providing sufficient funding to support connectivity. 

  3. Anxiety about funding appears to increase as federal pandemic funds expire, while home connectivity and access remain the top unmet needs across states.

  4. New survey questions reveal opportunities for state education leaders to support the effective and equitable use of edtech as states appear to invest more in their own capacity.

Edtech Opportunities and Challenges for the New School Year